洋書 グレゴリウス改革における教皇制と法: ルッカのアンセルムスのカノン法的業績 Papacy and law in the Gregorian revolution ●教会法
【英語洋書】 グレゴリウス改革における教皇制と法 : ルッカのアンセルムスのカノン法的業績 『Papacy and law in the Gregorian revolution : the canonistic work of Anselm of Lucca』1998年初版Kathleen G. Cushing 著Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press (オックスフォード大学出版局) 刊xi, 246 p 23 cm ハードカバー ISBN:0198207247●シリーズ名:Oxford historical monographs (オックスフォード大学 歴史モノグラフ)
■コンディション表紙の角に微スレ・背の端にシワ、標題紙に蔵書印1点がありますが、それ以外は特に問題はありません。●A revision of the author's thesis (D. Phil.)--University of Oxford●目次・1: PAPACY AND LAW ON THE EVE OF THE GREGORIAN REVOLUTION (グレゴリウス改革前夜の教皇庁と法律)・2: : A CANONIST IN THE AGE OF REFORM (改革時代のカノン法学者)●内容説明This work explores the role of canon law in the ecclesiastical reform movement of the eleventh century, commonly known as the Gregorian Refom movement. Focusing on the Collectio canonum of Bishop Anselm of Lucca - hitherto largely unexplored in English - it is concerned with the symbiotic relationship between canon law and reform, and seeks to explore the ways in which Anselm's writing can be seen in the context of the reformer's need to devise and articulate strategies for the renovation of the Church and Christian society. Its principal contention is that Anselm's collection cannot be seen merely as a catalogue of canon law, but also functioned to articulate, define, and propagate reformist doctrine in a time of great social and religious upheaval.■送料:全国一律370円