状態良いです。theories dime passport magentaquasi pass〜port Bronze 56k polarskatecMagenta Alltimers Hellrazor PALACE Quasi Skateboards tightbooth evisen skatebord supreme gx1000 yardsale come to my church ctmy INDEPENDENT peels PUNKANDYOdancer LAST RESORT ABCARPET COMPANY CALL ME 917BYE JEREMY hockey cash only pop trading theorieshelas Fucking Awesome polarskateco Magenta Alltimers Hellrazor PALACE Polar Skate Co. Quasi Skateboards come to my church ctmyINDEPENDENT fuckthisindustrypunkandyo star team soonerorlaterpassport pass〜porthomies network have a good timealways do what you should dosting water cerpet company HAPPY99quasi fuck this industry Diaspora skateboardsfuckthisindustry TEC